Actually, I do not like FPS’s all that much. Granted, GhR is more than just an FPS and that may just be what makes this game more alluring that some others. Of course, no game can beat the Aliens-FPS, but that is because no weapon beats the M41A pulserifle!
So, one might ask, why did I play all the missions of Ghost Recon, Desert Siege and Island Thunder? Truth be told, I just spent some time on just that question, and I could not come up with an answer. Especially considering the frustration dying near the end of what until then was a smooth run and other such events… But I did finish them all and several of them were bloody exciting. The ‘mission complete’ message has more than once heralded a relieved sigh and the relaxing of tensed muscles.
The reason that I still play the game and enjoy it is simple: MULTI-PLAYER!!! Especially now that we have several players and TeamSpeak! I love it. For me it is the ability to play together with other people that adds the flavour to the game, either playing as a team, or trying like hell to blow the crap out of themJ.
I very much enjoy the serious runs, trying to finish a mission without getting killed, but my favourite will probably always be the insane fire-fight (Firefight 85) or Defend the Base. Much of the fun of a game is in the sound and effect of a weapon and once I find a favourite, I will stick with it quite loyally -though far be it from me to shun a new weapon simply because it is new. Of course, all those people out there making new and exciting mods contribute a great great deal to the lasting game-fun of GhR. Most, if not all, of my favourite weapons are from the mods. The mini-gun, the 7.62 silenced M4, the powerful Hecates, the FN P90-TR, SiG-551…. Yes, in all fairness, I will happily suffer less efficiency if it means I get a bigger bang -I mean, when do I really need the thunderous Hecate? Never, really -but IT KICKS ASS!
I suppose that the real power of GhR, even though I am not a fanatical player, lies in the fact that it makes me feel good when I finished a good run, or that I feel an evening playing with friends is an evening well spent (which of course is largely due to said friends, who got me into this game in the first place).
I am still waiting for a good, solid Aliens-mod, or a Starcraft-mod, or a Starship Troopers-mod. Well, I would happily settle for an accurate M41A .
[WM] Azatoth
PS: ‘Azatoth’ ‘cause Lovecraft RULES! "IA CTHULU! CTHULU FT’HAGN!"
Okay, she had a temper, but you will have to admit that Ripley is a most charming lady... (Click to view)
My preferred Transport...
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